'XSS Filter', 'description' => 'XSS Filter.', 'page callback' => 'ckeditor_filter_xss', 'file' => 'includes/ckeditor.page.inc', 'access callback' => TRUE, 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); $items['ckeditor/disable/wysiwyg/%'] = array( 'title' => 'Disable the WYSIWYG module', 'description' => 'Disable WYSIWYG module.', 'page callback' => 'ckeditor_disable_wysiwyg', 'page arguments' => array(3), 'file' => 'includes/ckeditor.admin.inc', 'access arguments' => array('administer ckeditor'), 'access callback' => TRUE, 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); $items['admin/config/content/ckeditor'] = array( 'title' => 'CKEditor', 'description' => 'Configure the rich text editor.', 'page callback' => 'ckeditor_admin_main', 'file' => 'includes/ckeditor.admin.inc', 'access arguments' => array('administer ckeditor'), 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, ); $items['admin/config/content/ckeditor/skinframe'] = array( 'title' => 'Change skin of CKEditor', 'description' => 'Configure skin for CKEditor.', 'page callback' => 'ckeditor_skinframe', 'file' => 'includes/ckeditor.admin.inc', 'access arguments' => array('administer ckeditor'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); $items['admin/config/content/ckeditor/add'] = array( 'title' => 'Add a new CKEditor profile', 'description' => 'Configure the rich text editor.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('ckeditor_admin_profile_form', 'add'), 'file' => 'includes/ckeditor.admin.inc', 'access arguments' => array('administer ckeditor'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); $items['admin/config/content/ckeditor/clone/%ckeditor_profile'] = array( 'title' => 'Clone the CKEditor profile', 'description' => 'Configure the rich text editor.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('ckeditor_admin_profile_clone_form', 'clone', 5), 'file' => 'includes/ckeditor.admin.inc', 'access arguments' => array('administer ckeditor'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); $items['admin/config/content/ckeditor/edit/%ckeditor_profile'] = array( 'title' => 'Edit the CKEditor profile', 'description' => 'Configure the rich text editor.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('ckeditor_admin_profile_form', 'edit', 5), 'file' => 'includes/ckeditor.admin.inc', 'access arguments' => array('administer ckeditor'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); $items['admin/config/content/ckeditor/delete/%ckeditor_profile'] = array( 'title' => 'Delete the CKEditor profile', 'description' => 'Configure the rich text editor.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('ckeditor_admin_profile_delete_form', 5), 'file' => 'includes/ckeditor.admin.inc', 'access arguments' => array('administer ckeditor'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); $items['admin/config/content/ckeditor/addg'] = array( 'title' => 'Add the CKEditor Global profile', 'description' => 'Configure the rich text editor.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('ckeditor_admin_global_profile_form', 'add'), 'file' => 'includes/ckeditor.admin.inc', 'access arguments' => array('administer ckeditor'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); $items['admin/config/content/ckeditor/editg'] = array( 'title' => 'Edit the CKEditor Global profile', 'description' => 'Configure the rich text editor.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('ckeditor_admin_global_profile_form', 'edit'), 'file' => 'includes/ckeditor.admin.inc', 'access arguments' => array('administer ckeditor'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); return $items; } /** * Implementation of hook_permission(). * * People -> Permissions */ function ckeditor_permission() { $arr = array(); $arr['administer ckeditor'] = array( 'title' => t('Administer CKEditor access'), 'description' => t('Allow users to change CKEditor settings.') ); $arr['customize ckeditor'] = array( 'title' => t('Customize CKEditor appearance'), 'description' => t('Allow users to customize CKEditor appearance.') ); if (file_exists(ckfinder_path('local'))) { $arr['allow CKFinder file uploads'] = array( 'title' => t('CKFinder access'), 'description' => t('Allow users to use CKFinder.') ); } return $arr; } /** * Implementation of hook_help(). * * This function delegates the execution to ckeditor_help_delegate() in includes/ckeditor.page.inc to * lower the amount of code in ckeditor.module. */ function ckeditor_help($path, $arg) { module_load_include('inc', 'ckeditor', 'includes/ckeditor.page'); return module_invoke('ckeditor', 'help_delegate', $path, $arg); } /** * Check CKEditor version */ function ckeditor_get_version($main_version = FALSE) { static $ckeditor_version = FALSE; if ($ckeditor_version !== FALSE) { if (!$main_version) { return $ckeditor_version; } $version = explode('.', $ckeditor_version); return trim($version[0]); } $editor_path = ckeditor_path('local', TRUE); if ($editor_path == '') { $url = ckeditor_path('url', TRUE); $matches = array(); if (preg_match("|cdn.ckeditor.com/(\d(\.\d+)+.*)/|i", $url, $matches)) { $ckeditor_version = $matches[1]; return $matches[1]; } return $ckeditor_version = NULL; } $jspath = $editor_path . '/ckeditor.js'; $configcontents = @file_get_contents($jspath); if (!$configcontents) { return $ckeditor_version = NULL; } $matches = array(); if (preg_match('#,version:[\'\"]{1}(.*?)[\'\"]{1},#', $configcontents, $matches)) { $ckeditor_version = $matches[1]; if ($ckeditor_version == '%VERSION%') { $ckeditor_version = '4.0.0'; } if (!$main_version) { return $ckeditor_version; } $version = explode('.', $ckeditor_version); return trim($version[0]); } return $ckeditor_version = NULL; } /** * Implements hook_page_build(). */ function ckeditor_page_build(&$page) { // Add our CSS file that adds common needed classes, such as align-left, // align-right, underline, indent, etc. $page['page_bottom']['ckeditor']['#attached']['css'] = array( drupal_get_path('module', 'ckeditor') . '/css/ckeditor.css' => array( 'every_page' => TRUE, ), ); } /** * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for user_profile_form(). */ function ckeditor_form_user_profile_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) { if ($form['#user_category'] == 'account') { module_load_include('inc', 'ckeditor', 'includes/ckeditor.user'); ckeditor_user_customize($form, $form_state, 'user_profile_form'); } } /** * Implementation of hook_element_info_alter(). * * Replace the textarea with CKEditor using a callback function (ckeditor_pre_render_text_format). */ function ckeditor_element_info_alter(&$types) { $types['text_format']['#pre_render'][] = 'ckeditor_pre_render_text_format'; } /** * This function creates the HTML objects required for CKEditor. * * @param $element * A fully populated form element to add the editor to. * @return * The same $element with extra CKEditor markup and initialization. */ function ckeditor_pre_render_text_format($element) { static $init = FALSE; if (!isset($element['#format'])) { return $element; } module_load_include('inc', 'ckeditor', 'includes/ckeditor.lib'); if ($init === FALSE) { $input_formats = ckeditor_profiles_compile(); drupal_add_js(array('ckeditor' => array('input_formats' => $input_formats, 'plugins' => array())), 'setting'); $init = TRUE; } if (isset($element['value'])) { if (!isset($element['format'])) { return $element; } if (isset($element['summary'])) { $element['value'] = ckeditor_load_by_field($element['value'], $element['format']['format'], TRUE, $element['summary']['#id']); $element['summary'] = ckeditor_load_by_field($element['summary'], $element['format']['format'], FALSE); } else { $element['value'] = ckeditor_load_by_field($element['value'], $element['format']['format']); } } else { $element = ckeditor_load_by_field($element, $element['#format']); } return $element; } /** * Load all profiles. Just load one profile if $name is passed in. */ function ckeditor_profile_load($name = '', $clear = FALSE, $check_access = TRUE) { static $profiles = array(); global $user; if (empty($profiles) || $clear === TRUE) { $result = db_select('ckeditor_settings', 's')->fields('s')->execute(); foreach ($result as $data) { $data->settings = unserialize($data->settings); $data->input_formats = array(); $profiles[$data->name] = $data; } if ($check_access === FALSE) { // don't check if user has access to filter formats, needed for exporting as feature with drush $input_formats = filter_formats(); } else { $input_formats = filter_formats($user); } $result = db_select('ckeditor_input_format', 'f')->fields('f')->execute(); foreach ($result as $data) { if (isset($input_formats[$data->format])) { $profiles[$data->name]->input_formats[$data->format] = $input_formats[$data->format]->name; } } } return ($name ? (isset($profiles[urldecode($name)]) ? $profiles[urldecode($name)] : FALSE) : $profiles); } /** * Generate base path of the Drupal installation. * * @return * Path of the Drupal installation. */ function ckeditor_base_path($mode = 'relative') { if ($mode == 'local') { return $cke_base_local_path = '.'; } return rtrim(base_path(), '/'); } /** * Generate module path of the CKEditor module. * * @return * Path of CKEditor module. */ function ckeditor_module_path($mode = 'relative') { switch ($mode) { default: case 'relative': return ckeditor_base_path('relative') . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'ckeditor'); case 'local': return ckeditor_base_path('local') . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'ckeditor'); case 'url': return drupal_get_path('module', 'ckeditor'); } } /** * Generate library path of the Drupal installation. * * @return * Path of library in the Drupal installation. */ function ckeditor_library_path($mode = 'relative') { $lib_path = 'sites/all/libraries'; if (function_exists('libraries_get_path')) { $path = libraries_get_path('ckeditor'); if ($path !== FALSE) { $lib_path = drupal_substr($path, 0, strlen($path) - 9); } } switch ($mode) { default: case 'relative': return ckeditor_base_path('relative') . '/' . $lib_path; case 'local': return ckeditor_base_path('local') . '/' . $lib_path; case 'url': return $lib_path; } } /** * Read the CKEditor path from the Global profile. * * @return * Path to CKEditor folder. */ function ckeditor_path($mode = 'relative', $refresh = FALSE) { static $cke_static; if (!isset($cke_static)) { $cke_static = array(); } if ($refresh || !isset($cke_static[$mode])) { $global_profile = ckeditor_profile_load('CKEditor Global Profile', $refresh); switch ($mode) { default: case 'relative': if ($global_profile && isset($global_profile->settings['ckeditor_path'])) { // http:// OR https:// OR // if (preg_match("|^(http(s)?:)?//|i", $global_profile->settings['ckeditor_path'])) { return ''; } $cke_path = $global_profile->settings['ckeditor_path']; $cke_path = strtr($cke_path, array("%b" => ckeditor_base_path('relative'), "%m" => ckeditor_module_path('relative'), "%l" => ckeditor_library_path('relative'))); $cke_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $cke_path); $cke_path = str_replace('//', '/', $cke_path); return $cke_static[$mode] = $cke_path; } return $cke_static[$mode] = ckeditor_module_path('relative') . '/ckeditor'; case 'local': if ($global_profile) { if (!empty($global_profile->settings['ckeditor_local_path'])) { return $cke_static[$mode] = $global_profile->settings['ckeditor_local_path']; } if (isset($global_profile->settings['ckeditor_path'])) { // http:// OR https:// OR // if (preg_match("|^(http(s)?:)?//|i", $global_profile->settings['ckeditor_path'])) { return ''; } $cke_local_path = $global_profile->settings['ckeditor_path']; $cke_local_path = strtr($cke_local_path, array("%b" => ckeditor_base_path('local'), "%m" => ckeditor_module_path('local'), "%l" => ckeditor_library_path('local'))); return $cke_static[$mode] = $cke_local_path; } } return $cke_static[$mode] = ckeditor_module_path('local') . '/ckeditor'; case 'url': if ($global_profile && isset($global_profile->settings['ckeditor_path'])) { // http:// OR https:// OR // if (preg_match("|^(http(s)?:)?//|i", $global_profile->settings['ckeditor_path'])) { $cke_path = $global_profile->settings['ckeditor_path']; } else { $cke_path = $global_profile->settings['ckeditor_path']; $cke_path = strtr($cke_path, array("%m" => ckeditor_module_path('url'), "%l" => ckeditor_library_path('url'))); $cke_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $cke_path); $cke_path = str_replace('//', '/', $cke_path); //In D7 base path in URL mode is not needed, so we need to remove it with trailing slash (if exists) $cke_path = str_replace(array("%b/", "%b"), '', $cke_path); } return $cke_static[$mode] = $cke_path; } return $cke_static[$mode] = ckeditor_module_path('url') . '/ckeditor'; } } return $cke_static[$mode]; } /** * Read the CKEditor plugins path from the Global profile. * * @return * Path to CKEditor plugins folder. */ function ckeditor_plugins_path($mode = 'relative', $refresh = FALSE) { static $cke_static; if (!isset($cke_static)) { $cke_static = array(); } if ($refresh || !isset($cke_static[$mode])) { $global_profile = ckeditor_profile_load('CKEditor Global Profile', $refresh); switch ($mode) { default: case 'relative': if ($global_profile && isset($global_profile->settings['ckeditor_plugins_path'])) { $cke_plugins_path = $global_profile->settings['ckeditor_plugins_path']; $cke_plugins_path = strtr($cke_plugins_path, array("%b" => ckeditor_base_path('relative'), "%m" => ckeditor_module_path('relative'), "%l" => ckeditor_library_path('relative'))); $cke_plugins_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $cke_plugins_path); $cke_plugins_path = str_replace('//', '/', $cke_plugins_path); $cke_plugins_path = rtrim($cke_plugins_path, ' \/'); return $cke_static[$mode] = $cke_plugins_path; } return $cke_static[$mode] = ckeditor_module_path('relative') . '/plugins'; case 'local': if ($global_profile) { if (!empty($global_profile->settings['ckeditor_plugins_local_path'])) { return $cke_static[$mode] = $global_profile->settings['ckeditor_plugins_local_path']; } if (isset($global_profile->settings['ckeditor_plugins_path'])) { $cke_plugins_local_path = $global_profile->settings['ckeditor_plugins_path']; $cke_plugins_local_path = strtr($cke_plugins_local_path, array("%b" => ckeditor_base_path('local'), "%m" => ckeditor_module_path('local'), "%l" => ckeditor_library_path('local'))); return $cke_static[$mode] = $cke_plugins_local_path; } } return $cke_static[$mode] = ckeditor_module_path('local') . '/plugins'; case 'url': if ($global_profile && isset($global_profile->settings['ckeditor_plugins_path'])) { $cke_plugins_path = $global_profile->settings['ckeditor_plugins_path']; $cke_plugins_path = strtr($cke_plugins_path, array("%m" => ckeditor_module_path('url'), "%l" => ckeditor_library_path('url'))); $cke_plugins_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $cke_plugins_path); $cke_plugins_path = str_replace('//', '/', $cke_plugins_path); $cke_plugins_path = rtrim($cke_plugins_path, ' \/'); //In D7 base path in URL mode is not needed, so we need to remove it with trailing slash (if exists) $cke_plugins_path = str_replace(array("%b/", "%b"), '', $cke_plugins_path); return $cke_static[$mode] = $cke_plugins_path; } return $cke_static[$mode] = ckeditor_module_path('url') . '/plugins'; } } return $cke_static[$mode]; } /** * Read the CKFinder path from the Global profile. * * @return * Path to CKFinder folder. */ function ckfinder_path($mode = 'relative', $refresh = FALSE) { static $cke_static; if (!isset($cke_static)) { $cke_static = array(); } if ($refresh || !isset($cke_static[$mode])) { $global_profile = ckeditor_profile_load('CKEditor Global Profile', $refresh); switch ($mode) { default: case 'relative': if ($global_profile && isset($global_profile->settings['ckfinder_path'])) { $ckfinder_path = $global_profile->settings['ckfinder_path']; $ckfinder_path = strtr($ckfinder_path, array("%b" => ckeditor_base_path('relative'), "%m" => ckeditor_module_path('relative'), "%l" => ckeditor_library_path('relative'))); $ckfinder_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $ckfinder_path); $ckfinder_path = str_replace('//', '/', $ckfinder_path); return $cke_static[$mode] = $ckfinder_path; } return $cke_static[$mode] = ckeditor_module_path('relative') . '/ckfinder'; case 'local': if ($global_profile) { if (!empty($global_profile->settings['ckfinder_local_path'])) { return $cke_static[$mode] = $global_profile->settings['ckfinder_local_path']; } if (isset($global_profile->settings['ckfinder_path'])) { $ckfinder_path = $global_profile->settings['ckfinder_path']; $ckfinder_path = strtr($ckfinder_path, array("%b" => ckeditor_base_path('local'), "%m" => ckeditor_module_path('local'), "%l" => ckeditor_library_path('local'))); return $cke_static[$mode] = $ckfinder_path; } } return $cke_static[$mode] = ckeditor_module_path('local') . '/ckfinder'; case 'url': if ($global_profile && isset($global_profile->settings['ckfinder_path'])) { $ckfinder_path = $global_profile->settings['ckfinder_path']; $ckfinder_path = strtr($ckfinder_path, array("%m" => ckeditor_module_path('url'), "%l" => ckeditor_library_path('url'))); $ckfinder_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $cke_plugins_path); $ckfinder_path = str_replace('//', '/', $cke_plugins_path); //In D7 base path in URL mode is not needed, so we need to remove it with trailing slash (if exists) $ckfinder_path = str_replace(array("%b/", "%b"), '', $ckfinder_path); return $cke_static[$mode] = $ckfinder_path; } return $cke_static[$mode] = ckeditor_module_path('url') . '/ckfinder'; } } return $cke_static[$mode]; } /** * Implementation of hook_features_api(). * * Allow exporting of CKEditor profiles by the Features module. */ function ckeditor_features_api() { return array( 'ckeditor_profile' => array( 'name' => t('CKEditor profiles'), 'feature_source' => TRUE, 'default_hook' => 'ckeditor_profile_defaults', 'default_file' => FEATURES_DEFAULTS_INCLUDED, 'file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'ckeditor') . '/includes/ckeditor.features.inc', ) ); } /** * Implementation of hook_file_download(). * Support for private downloads. * CKEditor does not implement any kind of potection on private files. */ function ckeditor_file_download($uri) { if ($path = file_create_url($uri)) { $result = db_query("SELECT f.* FROM {file_managed} f WHERE uri = :uri", array(':uri' => $uri)); foreach ($result as $record) { return NULL; } //No info in DB? Probably a file uploaded with FCKeditor / CKFinder $global_profile = ckeditor_profile_load("CKEditor Global Profile"); //Assume that files inside of ckeditor directory belong to the CKEditor. If private directory is set, let the decision about protection to the user. $private_dir_db = $private_dir = isset($global_profile->settings['private_dir']) ? trim($global_profile->settings['private_dir'], '\/') : ''; $private_dir_db = str_replace(array('\\%u', '\\%n'), array('', ''), $private_dir_db); $private_dir = preg_quote($private_dir, '#'); $private_dir = strtr($private_dir, array('%u' => '(\d+)', '%n' => '([\x80-\xF7 \w@.-]+)')); // regex for %n taken from user_validate_name() in user.module $private_dir = trim($private_dir, '\/'); $regex = '#^' . preg_quote('private://', '#') . $private_dir . '#'; if (!strstr($uri, 'private://') && !strstr($uri, 'public://')) { $path = 'private://' . $uri; } else { $path = $uri; } //check if CKEditor's "Enable access to files located in the private folder" option is disabled or enabled $allow_download_private_files = FALSE; if (isset($global_profile->settings['ckeditor_allow_download_private_files']) && $global_profile->settings['ckeditor_allow_download_private_files'] === 't') { $allow_download_private_files = TRUE; } //denied access to file if private upload is set and CKEditor's "Enable access to files located in the private folder" option is disabled if ($allow_download_private_files == FALSE) return NULL; //check if file can be served by comparing regex and path to file if (preg_match($regex, $path)) { $info = image_get_info($uri); return array('Content-Type' => $info['mime_type']); } } } /** * Implementation of hook_modules_enabled(). * * Enable disabled plugins by hook_modules_disabled(). */ function ckeditor_modules_enabled($modules) { module_load_include('inc', 'ckeditor', 'includes/ckeditor.lib'); if (in_array('libraries', $modules)) { // Check and update path to CKEditor in the global profile _ckeditor_requirements_isinstalled(); } $profiles_list = ckeditor_profile_input_formats(); $plugins_list = ckeditor_load_plugins(); foreach ($profiles_list AS $_profile => $_inputs) { $changed = FALSE; $profile = ckeditor_profile_load($_profile); if (!isset($profile->settings['loadPlugins'])) continue; foreach (array_keys((array) $profile->settings['loadPlugins']) as $plugin_name) { if (isset($profile->settings['loadPlugins'][$plugin_name]['active']) && $profile->settings['loadPlugins'][$plugin_name]['active'] == 0 && array_key_exists($plugin_name, $plugins_list)) { $profile->settings['loadPlugins'][$plugin_name]['active'] = 1; $changed = TRUE; } } if ($changed === TRUE) { db_update('ckeditor_settings') ->fields(array( 'settings' => serialize($profile->settings) )) ->condition('name', $profile->name, '=') ->execute(); } } } /** * Implementation of hook_modules_disabled(). * * Disable enabled plugins in CKEditor profiles added by disabled modules. */ function ckeditor_modules_disabled($modules) { module_load_include('inc', 'ckeditor', 'includes/ckeditor.lib'); $profiles_list = ckeditor_profile_input_formats(); $plugins_list = ckeditor_load_plugins(); foreach ($profiles_list AS $_profile => $_inputs) { $changed = FALSE; $profile = ckeditor_profile_load($_profile); if (!isset($profile->settings['loadPlugins'])) continue; foreach (array_keys((array) $profile->settings['loadPlugins']) as $plugin_name) { if (!array_key_exists($plugin_name, $plugins_list)) { $profile->settings['loadPlugins'][$plugin_name]['active'] = 0; $changed = TRUE; } } if ($changed === TRUE) { db_update('ckeditor_settings') ->fields(array( 'settings' => serialize($profile->settings) )) ->condition('name', $profile->name, '=') ->execute(); } } } /** * Implementation of hook_modules_uninstalled(). * * Remove enabled plugins in CKEditor profiles added by uninstalled modules. */ function ckeditor_modules_uninstalled($modules) { module_load_include('inc', 'ckeditor', 'includes/ckeditor.lib'); $profiles_list = ckeditor_profile_input_formats(); $plugins_list = ckeditor_load_plugins(); foreach ($profiles_list AS $_profile => $_inputs) { $changed = FALSE; $profile = ckeditor_profile_load($_profile); if (!isset($profile->settings['loadPlugins'])) continue; foreach (array_keys((array) $profile->settings['loadPlugins']) as $plugin_name) { if (!array_key_exists($plugin_name, $plugins_list)) { unset($profile->settings['loadPlugins'][$plugin_name]); $changed = TRUE; } } if ($changed === TRUE) { db_update('ckeditor_settings') ->fields(array( 'settings' => serialize($profile->settings) )) ->condition('name', $profile->name, '=') ->execute(); } } } /** * Implements hook_field_extra_fields(). */ function ckeditor_field_extra_fields() { $fields['user']['user']['form']['ckeditor'] = array( 'label' => t('Rich text editor settings'), 'description' => t('Rich text editor settings'), 'weight' => 10, ); return $fields; }