revision) && empty($entity->old_vid) && empty($entity->is_new) && ! empty($entity->original)) { $old_files = media_entity_field_count_files($entity_type, $entity->original); foreach ($old_files as $fid => $old_file_count) { // Were there more files on the node just prior to saving? if (empty($entity_files[$fid])) { $entity_files[$fid] = 0; } if ($old_file_count > $entity_files[$fid]) { $deprecate = $old_file_count - $entity_files[$fid]; // Now deprecate this usage $file = file_load($fid); if ($file) { file_usage_delete($file, 'media', $entity_type, $entity_id, $deprecate); } // Usage is deleted, nothing more to do with this file unset($entity_files[$fid]); } // There are the same number of files, nothing to do elseif ($entity_files[$fid] == $old_file_count) { unset($entity_files[$fid]); } // There are more files now, adjust the difference for the greater number. // file_usage incrementing will happen below. else { // We just need to adjust what the file count will account for the new // images that have been added since the increment process below will // just add these additional ones in $entity_files[$fid] = $entity_files[$fid] - $old_file_count; } } } // Each entity revision counts for file usage. If versions are not enabled // the file_usage table will have no entries for this because of the delete // query above. foreach ($entity_files as $fid => $entity_count) { if ($file = file_load($fid)) { file_usage_add($file, 'media', $entity_type, $entity_id, $entity_count); } } } /** * Parse file references from an entity's text fields and return them as an array. */ function media_filter_parse_from_fields($entity_type, $entity) { $file_references = array(); foreach (_media_filter_fields_with_text_filtering($entity_type, $entity) as $field_name) { if ($field_items = field_get_items($entity_type, $entity, $field_name)) { foreach ($field_items as $field_item) { preg_match_all(MEDIA_TOKEN_REGEX, $field_item['value'], $matches); foreach ($matches[0] as $tag) { $tag = str_replace(array('[[', ']]'), '', $tag); $tag_info = drupal_json_decode($tag); if (isset($tag_info['fid']) && $tag_info['type'] == 'media') { $file_references[] = $tag_info; } } preg_match_all(MEDIA_TOKEN_REGEX_ALT, $field_item['value'], $matches_alt); foreach ($matches_alt[0] as $tag) { $tag = urldecode($tag); $tag_info = drupal_json_decode($tag); if (isset($tag_info['fid']) && $tag_info['type'] == 'media') { $file_references[] = $tag_info; } } } } } return $file_references; } /** * Returns an array containing the names of all fields that perform text filtering. */ function _media_filter_fields_with_text_filtering($entity_type, $entity) { list($entity_id, $revision_id, $bundle) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity); $fields = field_info_instances($entity_type, $bundle); // Get all of the fields on this entity that allow text filtering. $fields_with_text_filtering = array(); foreach ($fields as $field_name => $field) { if (!empty($field['settings']['text_processing'])) { $fields_with_text_filtering[] = $field_name; } } return $fields_with_text_filtering; } /** * Utility function to get the file count in this entity * * @param type $entity * @param type $entity_type * @return int */ function media_entity_field_count_files($entity_type, $entity) { $entity_files = array(); foreach (media_filter_parse_from_fields($entity_type, $entity) as $file_reference) { if (empty($entity_files[$file_reference['fid']])) { $entity_files[$file_reference['fid']] = 1; } else { $entity_files[$file_reference['fid']]++; } } return $entity_files; } /** * Implements hook_entity_delete(). */ function media_entity_delete($entity, $type) { list($entity_id) = entity_extract_ids($type, $entity); db_delete('file_usage') ->condition('module', 'media') ->condition('type', $type) ->condition('id', $entity_id) ->execute(); } /** * Implements hook_field_attach_delete_revision(). * * @param type $entity_type * @param type $entity */ function media_field_attach_delete_revision($entity_type, $entity) { list($entity_id) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity); $files = media_entity_field_count_files($entity_type, $entity); foreach ($files as $fid => $count) { if ($file = file_load($fid)) { file_usage_delete($file, 'media', $entity_type , $entity_id, $count); } } } /** * Filter callback for media markup filter. * * @TODO check for security probably pass text through filter_xss */ function media_filter($text) { $text = preg_replace_callback(MEDIA_TOKEN_REGEX, 'media_token_to_markup', $text); return $text; } /** * Parses the contents of a CSS declaration block. * * @param string $declarations * One or more CSS declarations delimited by a semicolon. The same as a CSS * declaration block (see, * but without the opening and closing curly braces. Also the same as the * value of an inline HTML style attribute. * * @return array * A keyed array. The keys are CSS property names, and the values are CSS * property values. */ function media_parse_css_declarations($declarations) { $properties = array(); foreach (array_map('trim', explode(";", $declarations)) as $declaration) { if ($declaration != '') { list($name, $value) = array_map('trim', explode(':', $declaration, 2)); $properties[strtolower($name)] = $value; } } return $properties; } /** * Replace callback to convert a media file tag into HTML markup. * * @param string $match * Takes a match of tag code * @param bool $wysiwyg * Set to TRUE if called from within the WYSIWYG text area editor. * * @return string * The HTML markup representation of the tag, or an empty string on failure. * * @see media_get_file_without_label() * @see hook_media_token_to_markup_alter() */ function media_token_to_markup($match, $wysiwyg = FALSE) { $settings = array(); $match = str_replace("[[", "", $match); $match = str_replace("]]", "", $match); $tag = $match[0]; try { if (!is_string($tag)) { throw new Exception('Unable to find matching tag'); } $tag_info = drupal_json_decode($tag); if (!isset($tag_info['fid'])) { throw new Exception('No file Id'); } // Ensure the 'link_text' key is always defined. if (!isset($tag_info['link_text'])) { $tag_info['link_text'] = NULL; } // Ensure a valid view mode is being requested. if (!isset($tag_info['view_mode'])) { $tag_info['view_mode'] = variable_get('media__wysiwyg_default_view_mode', 'full'); } elseif ($tag_info['view_mode'] != 'default') { $file_entity_info = entity_get_info('file'); if (!in_array($tag_info['view_mode'], array_keys($file_entity_info['view modes']))) { // Media 1.x defined some old view modes that have been superseded by // more semantically named ones in File Entity. The media_update_7203() // function updates field settings that reference the old view modes, // but it's impractical to update all text content, so adjust // accordingly here. static $view_mode_updates = array( 'media_preview' => 'preview', 'media_small' => 'teaser', 'media_large' => 'full', ); if (isset($view_mode_updates[$tag_info['view_mode']])) { $tag_info['view_mode'] = $view_mode_updates[$tag_info['view_mode']]; } else { throw new Exception('Invalid view mode'); } } } $file = file_load($tag_info['fid']); if (!$file) { throw new Exception('Could not load media object'); } $tag_info['file'] = $file; // The class attributes is a string, but drupal requires it to be // an array, so we fix it here. if (!empty($tag_info['attributes']['class'])) { $tag_info['attributes']['class'] = explode(" ", $tag_info['attributes']['class']); } // Grab the potentially overrided fields from the file. $fields = media_filter_field_parser($tag_info); $attributes = is_array($tag_info['attributes']) ? $tag_info['attributes'] : array(); $attribute_whitelist = variable_get('media__wysiwyg_allowed_attributes', array('height', 'width', 'hspace', 'vspace', 'border', 'align', 'style', 'class', 'id', 'usemap', 'data-picture-group', 'data-picture-align')); $settings['attributes'] = array_intersect_key($attributes, array_flip($attribute_whitelist)); $settings['fields'] = $fields; if (!empty($tag_info['attributes']) && is_array($tag_info['attributes'])) { $attribute_whitelist = variable_get('media__wysiwyg_allowed_attributes', array('height', 'width', 'hspace', 'vspace', 'border', 'align', 'style', 'class', 'id', 'usemap', 'data-picture-group', 'data-picture-align')); $settings['attributes'] = array_intersect_key($tag_info['attributes'], array_flip($attribute_whitelist)); $settings['fields'] = $fields; // Many media formatters will want to apply width and height independently // of the style attribute or the corresponding HTML attributes, so pull // these two out into top-level settings. Different WYSIWYG editors have // different behavior with respect to whether they store user-specified // dimensions in the HTML attributes or the style attribute - check both. // Per, the // HTML attributes are merely hints: CSS takes precedence. if (isset($settings['attributes']['style'])) { $css_properties = media_parse_css_declarations($settings['attributes']['style']); foreach (array('width', 'height') as $dimension) { if (isset($css_properties[$dimension]) && substr($css_properties[$dimension], -2) == 'px') { $settings[$dimension] = substr($css_properties[$dimension], 0, -2); } elseif (isset($settings['attributes'][$dimension])) { $settings[$dimension] = $settings['attributes'][$dimension]; } } } } } catch (Exception $e) { watchdog('media', 'Unable to render media from %tag. Error: %error', array('%tag' => $tag, '%error' => $e->getMessage())); return ''; } // If the tag has link text stored with it, override the filename with it for // the rest of this function, so that if the file is themed as a link, the // desired text will be used (see, for example, theme_file_link()). // @todo: Try to find a less hacky way to do this. if (isset($tag_info['link_text'])) { // The link text will have characters such as "&" encoded for HTML, but the // filename itself needs the raw value when it is used to build the link, // in order to avoid double encoding. $file->filename = decode_entities($tag_info['link_text']); } if ($wysiwyg) { $settings['wysiwyg'] = $wysiwyg; // If sending markup to a WYSIWYG, we need to pass the file infomation so // that a inline macro can be generated when the WYSIWYG is detached. // The WYSIWYG plugin is expecting this information in the format of a // urlencoded JSON string stored in the data-file_info attribute of the // element. $element = media_get_file_without_label($file, $tag_info['view_mode'], $settings); $data = drupal_json_encode(array( 'type' => 'media', 'fid' => $file->fid, 'view_mode' => $tag_info['view_mode'], 'link_text' => $tag_info['link_text'], )); $element['#attributes']['data-file_info'] = urlencode($data); $element['#attributes']['class'][] = 'media-element'; } else { // Display the field elements. $element = array(); $element['content']['file'] = media_get_file_without_label($file, $tag_info['view_mode'], $settings); // Overwrite or set the file #alt attribute if it has been set in this // instance. if (!empty($element['content']['file']['#attributes']['alt'])) { $element['content']['file']['#alt'] = $element['content']['file']['#attributes']['alt']; } // Overwrite or set the file #title attribute if it has been set in this // instance. if (!empty($element['content']['file']['#attributes']['title'])) { $element['content']['file']['#title'] = $element['content']['file']['#attributes']['title']; } field_attach_prepare_view('file', array($file->fid => $file), $tag_info['view_mode']); entity_prepare_view('file', array($file->fid => $file)); $element['content'] += field_attach_view('file', $file, $tag_info['view_mode']); if (count(element_children($element['content'])) > 1) { // Add surrounding divs to group them together. // We dont want divs when there are no additional fields to allow files // to display inline with text, without breaking p tags. $element['content']['#type'] = 'container'; $element['content']['#attributes']['class'] = array( 'media', 'media-element-container', 'media-' . $element['content']['file']['#view_mode'] ); } } drupal_alter('media_token_to_markup', $element, $tag_info, $settings); return drupal_render($element); } /** * Parse the field array from the collapsed AJAX string. */ function media_filter_field_parser($tag_info) { $fields = array(); if (isset($tag_info['fields'])) { foreach($tag_info['fields'] as $field_name => $field_value) { if (strpos($field_name, 'field_') === 0) { $parsed_field = explode('[', str_replace(']', '', $field_name)); if(isset($parsed_field[2])) { if(isset($parsed_field[3])) { $fields[$parsed_field[0]][$parsed_field[1]][$parsed_field[2]][$parsed_field[3]] = $field_value; } else { $fields[$parsed_field[0]][$parsed_field[1]][$parsed_field[2]] = $field_value; } } else { $fields[$parsed_field[0]][$parsed_field[1]] = $field_value; } } } } return $fields; } /** * Builds a map of media tags in the element. * * Builds a map of the media tags in an element that are being rendered to their * rendered HTML. The map is stored in JS, so we can transform them when the * editor is being displayed. */ function media_pre_render_text_format($element) { // filter_process_format() copies properties to the expanded 'value' child // element. if (!isset($element['format'])) { return $element; } $field = &$element['value']; $settings = array( 'field' => $field['#id'], ); $tagmap = _media_generate_tagMap($field['#value']); if (isset($tagmap)) { drupal_add_js(array('tagmap' => $tagmap), 'setting'); } return $element; } /** * Creates map of inline media tags. * * Generates an array of [inline tags] => to be used in filter * replacement and to add the mapping to JS. * * @param string $text * The String containing text and html markup of textarea * * @return array * An associative array with tag code as key and html markup as the value. * * @see media_process_form() * @see media_token_to_markup() */ function _media_generate_tagMap($text) { // Making $tagmap static as this function is called many times and // adds duplicate markup for each tag code in Drupal.settings JS, // so in media_process_form it adds something like tagCode:, // and when we replace in attach see two duplicate images // for one tagCode. Making static would make function remember value // between function calls. Since media_process_form is multiple times // with same form, this function is also called multiple times. static $tagmap = array(); preg_match_all("/\[\[.*?\]\]/s", $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $match) { // We see if tagContent is already in $tagMap, if not we add it // to $tagmap. If we return an empty array, we break embeddings of the same // media multiple times. if (empty($tagmap[$match[0]])) { // @TODO: Total HACK, but better than nothing. // We should find a better way of cleaning this up. if ($markup_for_media = media_token_to_markup($match, TRUE)) { $tagmap[$match[0]] = $markup_for_media; } else { $missing = file_create_url(drupal_get_path('module', 'media') . '/images/icons/default/image-x-generic.png'); $tagmap[$match[0]] = '
'; } } } return $tagmap; } /** * Return a list of view modes allowed for a file embedded in the WYSIWYG. * * @param object $file * A file entity. * * @return array * An array of view modes that can be used on the file when embedded in the * WYSIWYG. */ function media_get_wysiwyg_allowed_view_modes($file) { $enabled_view_modes = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array()); // @todo Add more caching for this. if (!isset($enabled_view_modes[$file->type])) { $enabled_view_modes[$file->type] = array(); // Add the default view mode by default. $enabled_view_modes[$file->type]['default'] = array('label' => t('Default'), 'custom settings' => TRUE); $entity_info = entity_get_info('file'); $view_mode_settings = field_view_mode_settings('file', $file->type); foreach ($entity_info['view modes'] as $view_mode => $view_mode_info) { // Do not show view modes that don't have their own settings and will // only fall back to the default view mode. if (empty($view_mode_settings[$view_mode]['custom_settings'])) { continue; } // Don't present the user with an option to choose a view mode in which // the file is hidden. $extra_fields = field_extra_fields_get_display('file', $file->type, $view_mode); if (empty($extra_fields['file']['visible'])) { continue; } // Add the view mode to the list of enabled view modes. $enabled_view_modes[$file->type][$view_mode] = $view_mode_info; } } $view_modes = $enabled_view_modes[$file->type]; drupal_alter('media_wysiwyg_allowed_view_modes', $view_modes, $file); return $view_modes; } /** * Form callback used when embedding media. * * Allows the user to pick a format for their media file. * Can also have additional params depending on the media type. */ function media_format_form($form, $form_state, $file) { $form = array(); $form['#media'] = $file; // Allow for overrides to the fields. $query_fields = isset($_GET['fields']) ? drupal_json_decode($_GET['fields']) : array(); $fields = media_filter_field_parser(array('fields' => $query_fields), $file); $view_modes = media_get_wysiwyg_allowed_view_modes($file); $formats = $options = array(); foreach ($view_modes as $view_mode => $view_mode_info) { // @TODO: Display more verbose information about which formatter and what it // does. $options[$view_mode] = $view_mode_info['label']; $element = media_get_file_without_label($file, $view_mode, array('wysiwyg' => TRUE)); // Make a pretty name out of this. $formats[$view_mode] = drupal_render($element); } // Add the previews back into the form array so they can be altered. $form['#formats'] = &$formats; if (!count($formats)) { throw new Exception('Unable to continue, no available formats for displaying media.'); return; } // Allow for overrides to the display format. $default_view_mode = is_array($query_fields) && isset($query_fields['format']) ? $query_fields['format'] : variable_get('media__wysiwyg_default_view_mode', 'full'); if (!isset($formats[$default_view_mode])) { $default_view_mode = key($formats); } // Add the previews by reference so that they can easily be altered by // changing $form['#formats']. $settings['media']['formatFormFormats'] = &$formats; $form['#attached']['js'][] = array('data' => $settings, 'type' => 'setting'); // Add the required libraries, JavaScript and CSS for the form. $form['#attached']['library'][] = array('media', 'media_base'); $form['#attached']['library'][] = array('system', 'form'); $form['#attached']['js'][] = drupal_get_path('module', 'media') . '/js/media.format_form.js'; $form['title'] = array( '#markup' => t('Embedding %filename', array('%filename' => $file->filename)), ); $preview = media_get_thumbnail_preview($file); $form['preview'] = array( '#type' => 'markup', '#title' => check_plain(basename($file->uri)), '#markup' => drupal_render($preview), ); // These will get passed on to WYSIWYG. $form['options'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('options'), ); $form['options']['format'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Display as'), '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => $default_view_mode, '#description' => t('Choose the type of display you would like for this file. Please be aware that files may display differently than they do when they are inserted into an editor.') ); // Add fields from the file, so that we can override them if neccesary. $form['options']['fields'] = array(); foreach ($fields as $field_name => $field_value) { $file->{$field_name} = $field_value; } field_attach_form('file', $file, $form['options']['fields'], $form_state); $instance = field_info_instances('file', $file->type); foreach ($instance as $field_name => $field_value) { if (isset($instance[$field_name]['settings']) && isset($instance[$field_name]['settings']['wysiwyg_override']) && !$instance[$field_name]['settings']['wysiwyg_override']) { unset($form['options']['fields'][$field_name]); } } // Similar to a form_alter, but we want this to run first so that // can add the fields specific to a given type (like alt tags // on media). If implemented as an alter, this might not happen, making other // alters not be able to work on those fields. // @todo: We need to pass in existing values for those attributes. drupal_alter('media_format_form_prepare', $form, $form_state, $file); if (!element_children($form['options'])) { $form['options']['#attributes'] = array('style' => 'display:none'); } return $form; } /** * Returns a drupal_render() array for just the file portion of a file entity. * * Optional custom settings can override how the file is displayed. */ function media_get_file_without_label($file, $view_mode, $settings = array()) { $file->override = $settings; $element = file_view_file($file, $view_mode); // The formatter invoked by file_view_file() can use $file->override to // customize the returned render array to match the requested settings. To // support simple formatters that don't do this, set the element attributes to // what was requested, but not if the formatter applied its own logic for // element attributes. if (!isset($element['#attributes']) && isset($settings['attributes'])) { $element['#attributes'] = $settings['attributes']; // While this function may be called for any file type, images are a common // use-case. theme_image() and theme_image_style() require the 'alt' // attribute to be passed separately from the 'attributes' array (see // Until that's fixed, implement this // special-case logic. Image formatters using other theme functions are // responsible for their own 'alt' attribute handling. See // theme_media_formatter_large_icon() for an example. if (isset($settings['attributes']['alt']) && !isset($element['#alt']) && isset($element['#theme']) && in_array($element['#theme'], array('image', 'image_style'))) { $element['#alt'] = $settings['attributes']['alt']; } } return $element; } /** * Implements hook_entity_dependencies(). */ function media_entity_dependencies($entity, $entity_type) { // Go through all the entity's text fields and add a dependency on any files // that are referenced there. $dependencies = array(); foreach (media_filter_parse_from_fields($entity_type, $entity) as $file_reference) { $dependencies[] = array('type' => 'file', 'id' => $file_reference['fid']); } return $dependencies; } /** * Implements hook_entity_uuid_load(). */ function media_entity_uuid_load(&$entities, $entity_type) { // Go through all the entity's text fields and replace file IDs in media // tokens with the corresponding UUID. foreach ($entities as $entity) { media_filter_replace_tokens_in_all_text_fields($entity_type, $entity, 'media_token_fid_to_uuid'); } } /** * Implements hook_entity_uuid_presave(). */ function media_entity_uuid_presave(&$entity, $entity_type) { // Go through all the entity's text fields and replace UUIDs in media tokens // with the corresponding file ID. media_filter_replace_tokens_in_all_text_fields($entity_type, $entity, 'media_token_uuid_to_fid'); } /** * Replaces media tokens in an entity's text fields, using the specified callback function. */ function media_filter_replace_tokens_in_all_text_fields($entity_type, $entity, $callback) { $text_field_names = _media_filter_fields_with_text_filtering($entity_type, $entity); foreach ($text_field_names as $field_name) { if (!empty($entity->{$field_name})) { $field = field_info_field($field_name); $all_languages = field_available_languages($entity_type, $field); $field_languages = array_intersect($all_languages, array_keys($entity->{$field_name})); foreach ($field_languages as $language) { if (!empty($entity->{$field_name}[$language])) { foreach ($entity->{$field_name}[$language] as &$item) { $item['value'] = preg_replace_callback(MEDIA_TOKEN_REGEX, $callback, $item['value']); } } } } } } /** * Callback to replace file IDs with UUIDs in a media token. */ function media_token_fid_to_uuid($matches) { return _media_token_uuid_replace($matches, 'entity_get_uuid_by_id'); } /** * Callback to replace UUIDs with file IDs in a media token. */ function media_token_uuid_to_fid($matches) { return _media_token_uuid_replace($matches, 'entity_get_id_by_uuid'); } /** * Helper function to replace UUIDs with file IDs or vice versa. * * @param array $matches * An array of matches for media tokens, from a preg_replace_callback() * callback function. * @param string $entity_uuid_function * Either 'entity_get_uuid_by_id' (to replace file IDs with UUIDs in the * token) or 'entity_get_id_by_uuid' (to replace UUIDs with file IDs). * * @return string * A string representing the JSON-encoded token, with the appropriate * replacement between file IDs and UUIDs. */ function _media_token_uuid_replace($matches, $entity_uuid_function) { $tag = $matches[0]; $tag = str_replace(array('[[', ']]'), '', $tag); $tag_info = drupal_json_decode($tag); if (isset($tag_info['fid'])) { if ($new_ids = $entity_uuid_function('file', array($tag_info['fid']))) { $new_id = reset($new_ids); $tag_info['fid'] = $new_id; } } return '[[' . drupal_json_encode($tag_info) . ']]'; }