t('Submission'), 'description' => t('Tokens related to webform submissions.'), 'needs-data' => 'webform-submission', ); $info['tokens']['submission']['serial'] = array( 'name' => t('Serial number'), 'description' => t('The serial number of this webform submission.'), ); $info['tokens']['submission']['sid'] = array( 'name' => t('Submission ID'), 'description' => t('The unique indentifier for the webform submission.'), ); $info['tokens']['submission']['access-token'] = array( 'name' => t('Access token'), 'description' => t('The security token used to gain access to this webform submission.'), ); $info['tokens']['submission']['date'] = array( 'name' => t('Date submitted'), 'description' => t('The date the webform was first save as draft or completed.'), 'type' => 'date', ); $info['tokens']['submission']['completed_date'] = array( 'name' => t('Date completed'), 'description' => t('The date the webform was first completed (not draft).'), 'type' => 'date', ); $info['tokens']['submission']['modified_date'] = array( 'name' => t('Date modified'), 'description' => t('The date the webform was last saved (draft or completed).'), 'type' => 'date', ); $info['tokens']['submission']['ip-address'] = array( 'name' => t('IP address'), 'description' => t('The IP address that was used when submitting the webform.'), ); $info['tokens']['submission']['user'] = array( 'name' => t('Submitter'), 'description' => t('The user that submitted the webform result.'), 'type' => 'user', ); $info['tokens']['submission']['url'] = array( 'name' => t('URL'), 'description' => t("Webform tokens related to the submission's URL."), 'type' => 'url', ); $info['tokens']['submission']['edit-url'] = array( 'name' => t('Edit URL'), 'description' => t("Webform tokens related to the submission's Edit URL."), 'type' => 'url', ); $info['tokens']['submission']['values'] = array( 'name' => t('Webform submission values'), 'description' => '
' . t('Webform tokens from submitted data. Replace the "?" with the "field key", including any parent field keys separated by colons. You can append:') . '
' . '', 'dynamic' => TRUE, ); return $info; } /** * Implements hook_tokens(). */ function webform_tokens($type, $tokens, array $data = array(), array $options = array()) { static $recursion_level = 0; // Return early unless submission tokens are needed and there is a submission. if ($type != 'submission' || empty($data['webform-submission'])) { return array(); } // Generate Webform tokens. $replacements = array(); // Prepare all the data that we will likely need more than once. $submission = $data['webform-submission']; $node = isset($data['node']) ? $data['node'] : node_load($submission->nid); $email = isset($data['webform-email']) ? $data['webform-email'] : NULL; $sanitize = !empty($options['sanitize']); $format = $sanitize ? 'html' : 'text'; $url_options = isset($options['language']) ? $options['language'] : array('absolute' => TRUE); $language_code = isset($options['language']) ? $options['language']->language : NULL; $markup_components = array(); // Markup components may use tokens when displayed. Displaying the tokens // requires rendering the components. Rendering a markup component can then // cause infinite recursion. To prevent this, markup components are omitted // from the rendered submission if recursion has been detected. if ($recursion_level) { $markup_components = array_keys(array_filter($node->webform['components'], function ($component) { return $component['type'] == 'markup'; })); } $recursion_level++; // Replace individual tokens that have an exact replacement. foreach ($tokens as $name => $original) { switch ($name) { case 'serial': $replacements[$original] = $submission->serial ? $submission->serial : ''; break; case 'sid': $replacements[$original] = $submission->sid ? $submission->sid : ''; break; case 'access-token': $replacements[$original] = webform_get_submission_access_token($submission); break; case 'date': $replacements[$original] = format_date($submission->submitted, webform_variable_get('webform_date_type'), '', NULL, $language_code); break; case 'completed_date': if ($submission->completed) { $replacements[$original] = format_date($submission->completed, webform_variable_get('webform_date_type'), '', NULL, $language_code); } break; case 'modified_date': $replacements[$original] = format_date($submission->modified, webform_variable_get('webform_date_type'), '', NULL, $language_code); break; case 'ip-address': $replacements[$original] = $sanitize ? check_plain($submission->remote_addr) : $submission->remote_addr; break; case 'user': $account = user_load($submission->uid); $name = format_username($account); $replacements[$original] = $sanitize ? check_plain($name) : $name; break; case 'url': $replacements[$original] = $submission->sid ? url("node/{$node->nid}/submission/{$submission->sid}", $url_options) : ''; break; case 'edit-url': $replacements[$original] = $submission->sid ? url("node/{$node->nid}/submission/{$submission->sid}/edit", $url_options) : ''; break; case 'values': $excluded_components = isset($email['excluded_components']) ? $email['excluded_components'] : array(); $excluded_components = array_merge($excluded_components, $markup_components); $submission_renderable = webform_submission_render($node, $submission, $email, $format, $excluded_components); $replacements[$original] = drupal_render($submission_renderable); break; } } // Webform submission tokens for individual components. if ($value_tokens = token_find_with_prefix($tokens, 'values')) { // Get the full submission renderable without $excluded_components so that // individually referenced values are available. $submission_renderable = webform_submission_render($node, $submission, $email, $format, $markup_components); $available_modifiers = array( 'label', 'withlabel', 'nolabel', 'key', ); foreach ($node->webform['components'] as $cid => $component) { // Build the list of parents for this component. $parents = ($component['pid'] == 0) ? array($component['form_key']) : webform_component_parent_keys($node, $component); $parent_token = implode(':', $parents); foreach ($value_tokens as $name => $original) { if (strpos($name, $parent_token) !== 0) { // Token not found as a prefix or exact match for this component. continue; // Token loop continue. } // Drill down into the renderable to find the element. $display_element = $submission_renderable; foreach ($parents as $parent) { if (!isset($display_element[$parent])) { // Sometimes an element won't exist in the submission renderable // due to conditional logic. If not found, skip that element. continue 2; // Token loop continue. } $display_element = $display_element[$parent]; } // Individual tokens always have access granted even if they're // not displayed when printing the whole renderable. $display_element['#access'] = TRUE; // For grid components, see if optional question key is present. $matched_token = $parent_token; if ($display_element['#webform_component']['type'] === 'grid') { list($question_key) = explode(':', substr($name, strlen($matched_token) + 1)); if (strlen($question_key) && isset($display_element[$question_key]['#value'])) { // Generate a faux select component for this grid question. $select_component = _webform_defaults_select(); $select_component['type'] = 'select'; $select_component['nid'] = $display_element['#webform_component']['nid']; $select_component['name'] = $display_element['#grid_questions'][$question_key]; $select_component['extra']['items'] = $display_element['#webform_component']['extra']['options']; $display_element = _webform_display_select($select_component, $display_element[$question_key]['#value'], $format); $display_element['#webform_component'] = $select_component; $matched_token .= ':' . $question_key; } } // For select components, see if the optional option key is present. if ($display_element['#webform_component']['type'] === 'select') { list($option_key) = explode(':', substr($name, strlen($matched_token) + 1)); if (strlen($option_key) && strpos("\n" . $display_element['#webform_component']['extra']['items'], "\n" . $option_key . '|') !== FALSE) { // Return only this specified option and no other values. $display_element['#value'] = array_intersect($display_element['#value'], array($option_key)); $matched_token .= ':' . $option_key; } } // Assume no modifier (implied 'nolabel'). $modifier = NULL; if (strcmp($name, $matched_token) !== 0) { // Check if this matches the key plus a modifier. $modifier = substr($name, strrpos($name, ':') + 1); // TODO: Allow components to provide additional modifiers per // type, i.e. key, day, hour, minute, etc. if (strcmp($name, $matched_token . ':' . $modifier) !== 0 || !in_array($modifier, $available_modifiers)) { // No match. continue; // Token loop continue. } } if ($modifier === 'label') { $replacements[$original] = webform_filter_xss($display_element['#title']); } elseif ($modifier === 'key' && $display_element['#webform_component']['type'] === 'select') { $values = array(); foreach ($display_element['#value'] as $value) { $values[] = webform_filter_xss($value); } $replacements[$original] = implode(' ', $values); } else { // Remove theme wrappers for the nolabel modifier. if ($modifier === 'nolabel' || empty($modifier)) { $display_element['#theme_wrappers'] = array(); } $replacements[$original] = render($display_element); } // Continue processing tokens in case another modifier is used. } } } // Chained token relationships. if ($date_tokens = token_find_with_prefix($tokens, 'date')) { $replacements += token_generate('date', $date_tokens, array('date' => $submission->submitted), $options); } if ($submission->completed && ($date_tokens = token_find_with_prefix($tokens, 'completed_date'))) { $replacements += token_generate('date', $date_tokens, array('date' => $submission->completed), $options); } if ($date_tokens = token_find_with_prefix($tokens, 'modified_date')) { $replacements += token_generate('date', $date_tokens, array('date' => $submission->modified), $options); } if (($user_tokens = token_find_with_prefix($tokens, 'user')) && $account = user_load($submission->uid)) { $replacements += token_generate('user', $user_tokens, array('user' => $account), $options); } if ($submission->sid) { if ($url_tokens = token_find_with_prefix($tokens, 'url')) { $replacements += token_generate('url', $url_tokens, array('path' => "node/{$node->nid}/submission/{$submission->sid}"), $options); } if ($url_tokens = token_find_with_prefix($tokens, 'edit-url')) { $replacements += token_generate('url', $url_tokens, array('path' => "node/{$node->nid}/submission/{$submission->sid}/edit"), $options); } } $recursion_level--; return $replacements; }